American Journal of Software Engineering and Applications

Special Issue

Growing GeoGebra Environment and Use

  • Submission Deadline: 30 January 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Pellumb Kllogjeri
About This Special Issue
GeoGebra is dynamic mathematics software for schools that joins geometry, algebra and calculus. It is an interactive geometry system constructing with points, vectors, segments, lines, polygons and conic sections as well as functions while changing them dynamically afterwards. The geometry tools in the Toolbar are used to create geometric constructions on the Graphics View with the mouse, geometry and algebra work side by side.

Main benefits and applications of GeoGebra:

1. GeoGebra software improves the capacity of teachers to use interactive teaching methods and learning and ICT and professional competencies, necessary for key involvement in research activities in areas related disciplines studied. It creates a modern educational system responsive to technological expansion, which will contribute significantly to developing a knowledge-based society.
2. Computer simulations help the students to understand how things work and to try out different situations. This keeps students motivated and interested.
3. GeoGebra is used in teaching physics, through several examples from the topic Electrical Charges and Forces etc. The examples of Coulomb’s law, centroids etc. are simulated using the interactive free dynamic software application Geogebra, and are uploaded on a Wikispaces wiki page, together with detailed theoretical (mathematical) explanation of each particular problem.
4. Teaching mathematics through pictures and photography, using real world pictures to point out and teach the mathematics is a novelty. The photographs can be inserted into GeoGebra software and explore various objectives. Topics of shape recognition, spatial sense through ratio/proportion and measurement, and functions explore the math that surrounds us in the real world while covering many of the new standards.
5. GeoGebra, has caused a growing interest for developing teaching materials for the subject of geography at elementary and middle school level, applications in computer geography: import bitmap images, measure angles and draw polygonal lines. However, GeoGebra has some limitations which cannot be easily overcome such as, the conversion between the geometric coordinate system in GeoGebra and the geographical coordinate system.
6. Applications in chemistry: modelling the chemical structures and the interaction between different chemical elements and compounds etc.

Topics of interest (Other suggestions are welcomed)

1. Dynamic Demonstrations in the Math Classroom for Applied Sciences Using Dynamic Geometry as a Robotics Interface
2. Geometric Algebra – A foundation for the combination of Dynamic Geometry Systems with Computer Algebra Systems.
3. From real world to derivative – How to effectively include mathematical modelling and GeoGebra in mathematics education and science
4. Levels of reasoning with coherences between dynamically linked representations of functions
5. GeoGebra dynamic models for arithmetic operations
6. GeoGebra limitations
Lead Guest Editor
  • Pellumb Kllogjeri

    Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University "Aleksander Xhuvani", Elbasan, Albania

Published Articles
  • Computer Programs - New Considerations in Teaching and Learning Mathematics Science

    Qamil Kllogjeri , Pellumb Kllogjeri

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2-1, April 2015
    Pages: 7-13
    Received: 19 September 2014
    Accepted: 10 October 2014
    Published: 14 February 2015
    Abstract: There are many applications of computer informatics like in computations, plotting graphics to use them in math papers and to study the properties of the functions, in solving and discussing problems of mathematics or physics, in economics, in social topics and so on. This paper presents the topic of how much the computer programs (while we are stu... Show More
  • Dynamic Models for Multiplication and Division Offered by GeoGebra

    Lindita Kllogjeri , Pellumb Kllogjeri

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2-1, April 2015
    Pages: 1-6
    Received: 2 October 2014
    Accepted: 9 October 2014
    Published: 17 October 2014
    Abstract: One of the most important features of GeoGebra is the coordination of the geometric and algebraic representations, easily observed in GeoGebra window. Using GeoGebra software the teacher can geometrically and fruitfully teach the concepts and algorithms of arithmetic operations in the elementary school. Our paper focuses on two important operations... Show More